Mar 20, 2015 AUTHOR: emy
Art, Nature, Design

28 March-26 April 2015
Museo Pietro Canonica – Villa Borghese

The exhibition Unisono, edited by Luciano Marziano, inaugurates the next 28.3 at Museo Pietro Canonica at Villa Borghese with sculptures of four contemporary artists: Pirjo Eronen, Peter Matarese, Sabine Pagliarulo, Emy Petrini. The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Culture and Tourism-Capitolina Superintendent of Cultural Heritage with the moral support of the Embassy of Finland in Rome.


It is no coincidence that this exhibition is staged right in the house-studio of Pietro Canonica, who declared his preference for an art capable of idealising and at the same time express the most secret movements of the soul, with the measurement and balance of classical art. Imbued with the same lyricism, scenic natural architecture, iron sculptures, organic shapes and design ceramics of four contemporary artists, Pirjo Eronen, Peter Matarese, Sabine Pagliarulo, Emy Petrini, offering a path that generates, writes Luciano Marziano in the critical text of the catalog, “a situation with strong conceptual traits since the material, regardless of the intrinsic quality, tends to recreate the climat of a world steeped in poetry, in which you get warning signals of a fraying against which art finds a new raison d ‘be”. Organic forms, vegetable or abstract, enclosures in which to feel protected, the house-museum of the artist Canonica in turn becomes architecture, shell for sculptural forms that “mimesis, from the story dilate emblem, the symbol, enacting a situation in which materialize the relationship between artifice and nature that is charged with existential values, of autobiographical references, subtle moods, ineffable references “. The works, revealing its contemporary fine, in a variation of styles and materials, seem to talk in unison with his own inner life, there where does the wonder at the spectacle of Nature and Art.

During the inauguration at 11:30 will be held the concert of Henry Casularo, Benedict Ciociola: flutes; Elisabetta Ferri, harpsichord; Music by J.M.Hotteterre, Boismortier, J.P.Rameau, A. Vivaldi, King Frederick II of Prussia.

Emy Petrini with her plant materials, branches, shrubs, vines and leaves used to create new forms, and a respectful exchange with nature. “Nature has suggested new ways to rethink identity and existence. – says the artist – I walked in the woods for hours, picking up branches, leaves, bark, vines and shrubs. I started working with vegetable elements, creating small assemblages and compositions. it ‘s so that started it all. “(source: LaRepubblicaFirenze).

